Saturday, May 22, 2004

catherine said she liked my new blog, and it looked snazzy. maybe, 5 minutes after i changed it? i don't remember. or maybe a whole night ago. either way, it kind of creeped me out. you're creepy, catherine.

as for being creepy: i opened up IE and the picture on columbia's homepage is of mi hae. i was unable to close the window until now... about 2 hours later. don't worry raj, i saved the picture to disk.

as for being creepy: eric zhu was browsing around my facebook account and found a hot friend of someone's. so i was looking through her profile, and her cucommunity website. it is incredible how much information i have access to, despite having no idea who this girl is. frightening. i'm not complaining, though. i think.

i feel like posting pieces of IM conversations up here is cheating. i'm not really going through any effort, and a lot of it is fluff. and also, i didn't ask the other person if it was ok. i figure she won't mind, though, as it's not sensitive information. it's not like she's been in love with a girl ever since they first met, or something.

just another deep, life-path, meaningful IM conversation (it just sounds impossible, doesn't it?)

i'm putting it here because. and i use the <--- thing, which i like using. it almost feels like don's thing with the pointing at oneself. e.g. ---> this guy <--- ... and i like the soulless thralls line. and i say something about creepy, so it flows naturally. then why am i justifying it? shuttup.

me talking to a girl who is going into banking after she graduates. she's a junior at NYU with a summer job at some ?banking place?, which, by process of elimination, is not merrill.

ericthehodgeheG: so you're definitely staying in new york
bunkie003: i like ny
bunkie003: i think there are more jobs here
bunkie003: but id kinda have to go where i got a job
ericthehodgeheG: definitely more jobs in ny
bunkie003: but ny is kind of tiring so i don't think i could do it really long term
bunkie003: id need trees and bushes and stuff
ericthehodgeheG: yeah i'm glad to be out of there
ericthehodgeheG: i mean, what would you do
bunkie003: with trees?
ericthehodgeheG: go insane and check into a hospital?
bunkie003: i don't like inch worms though
ericthehodgeheG: haha
ericthehodgeheG: so if you get a job in ny
ericthehodgeheG: you're working, and working, and working
ericthehodgeheG: and no trees
ericthehodgeheG: and you decide you need trees
ericthehodgeheG: then what
bunkie003: after two years
bunkie003: switch jobs
bunkie003: or go to school
bunkie003: i dunno
ericthehodgeheG: i thought satan is kind of loathe to let his soulless thralls out of his terrible grasp
bunkie003: nah most out of college kids work 2 years at a place
bunkie003: and then switch or go to school
ericthehodgeheG: but the soulless thralls?
bunkie003: we wander the earth in despair at having lost 2 years of our youthful lives
ericthehodgeheG: yay :)
bunkie003: exactly
ericthehodgeheG: i like wandering the earth
ericthehodgeheG: that's kind of what i want to do
bunkie003: me too
bunkie003: see a couple places
ericthehodgeheG: lose a couple more years of life
bunkie003: i don't think it would be a loss though
ericthehodgeheG: right, not a waste
ericthehodgeheG: like the satan thing
bunkie003: no thats a total waste
bunkie003: hehe
ericthehodgeheG: would you go to business school?
bunkie003: maybe
bunkie003: i hear its fun
ericthehodgeheG: they always have parties
ericthehodgeheG: with kegs
ericthehodgeheG: at columbia
bunkie003: sounds about right
ericthehodgeheG: that's kind of creepy
ericthehodgeheG: you're kind of creepy
bunkie003: i know
ericthehodgeheG: <--- creeped
bunkie003: whats so creepy
ericthehodgeheG: business
ericthehodgeheG: satan
ericthehodgeheG: you
bunkie003: hehe
bunkie003: yep


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