Sunday, April 24, 2005

what's the point?

at asia night, this girl sitting right behind me (so fucking ghetto) kept talking on her phone. and LOUDLY. not whispering by any means. people kept calling to ask her how to get there, i think. during the third call, after maybe 2 whole minutes, i finally turned around and asked, "why don't you go out in the hall if you need to have a conversation?" her friend said (in a fucking ghetto accent), "why don't you give her a second, ok? thanks." christ, what a hellish bitch. after i turned back around, the girl said into her phone, "i have to go, ok? people are fucking _yelling_ at me." i had to hold back the laughter. that's me, the asshole with the fucking nerve, the _audacity_, interrupting her important phone call just because some people who practiced for months for their few minutes onstage are performing now and i want to be able to hear them. i am such a jerk.

whenever i have to ask someone to stop talking during a movie (that happened at the magic johnson once or twice), or to get off the phone at a performance, i know going into it that i'm not going to get a reasonable response. if they were decent people, with manners and the like, i wouldn't have to address them in the first place. but it's no big deal. so it goes.

if something bothers me, i do something about it. otherwise, i don't let it bother me. simple. simple simple simple.

otherwise, what's the point?


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