Sunday, May 08, 2005

this weekend

i accomplished nothing. there's a big to do list that's not getting any smaller. i did buy a hanging swiss cheese plant for myself, and some orchids for my mom, from home depot. that was nice. i picked up a stuffed Ein from cowboy bebop for 1.88 from media play. and i got def jam vendetta: fight for ny and 3 other games for $20 each. what bothers me about djv: ffny is that whenever i win, it is because i controlled the entire match. whenever the computer wins, it is plain cheap. there are lots of games like that, where the computer AI is unimpressive but it is a challenge because it can anticipate and time things better than a human. annoying.

been playing a lot of settlers of catan. wow that game is awesome. thanks austin and natalie, for turning me onto it.

i mean to finish writing about that particular day i had. it wasn't special in any way, but i started and i should finish, especially since i didn't even write about a single class yet. it is getting fainter in my memory the longer i leave it, though.

oh man, i almost forgot. i went to o'brien's corner friday afternoon with some teachers from scitech. it was fun. feels awful strange though, to walk out of a bar at 5pm into daylight, with a buzz.


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