Sunday, June 08, 2003

lots of good news! first, thank you, london, so much, for having me at your house. i had a really great time, ate really good food, drank really lots of beer, and watched 3 movies, one of which was okay, one of which must be the most vacuous, soulless 90 minutes ever recorded in the history of our civilization, and one of which i really, really, really loved. you can guess which is which.

keeping the faith, a romantic comedy
25th hour, a movie about a drug dealer about to go to jail
getting there, starring mary-kate and ashely

if you can't guess, i hate you.

that sort of weekend is absolutely necessary once in a while so one does not begin butchering random people on the street. mmm... butchering. mmm... street.

let's see... good news

1) i saw a friend who's in the city this summer, rachel ferris. she's really cool and eats like a pig, which i love in a girl. hopefully we'll hang out a lot.

2) i took another practice LSAT while at London's, and got the same raw score as last time (93) which translated to a 176 for this particular exam. i rock.

3) i took another games section because they're fun and got one wrong (just a silly mistake)

4) i took another games section and aced it.

that is so gratifying. it's been so long since something has made me feel smart. you'd think columbia would be concerned about my self-esteem, but most of my time here has been spent realizing/learning/being told i'm completely, totally average. thank god this standardized exam can tell me with absolute authority that i have more aptitude in something (law, but who cares what exactly) then 90 something % of the fucks who also took the test.

5) that puddle in my fridge is mostly dried/evaporated/become solid. or maybe the OJ decided to reabsorb it into itself. either way, score!

suck it jess

6) i got an email! from somebody! in somewhere! is it weird that i can read it over and over and smile every time? i know it's weird. i creep myself out too, don't worry.

the somebody starts with an M, and ends with an a. and it's 5 letters long.

7) my test isn't til 12:30 pm tomorrow! it's right on the 1/9 line! i just need to remember pencils. and my thumb. they thumbprint you at these things, can you believe it? good thing the police already have my prints on file.

8) i've got 7 pieces of Kentucky Fried C sitting in a bucket waiting for me. I've also got 10 krispy kreme donuts with me as well. I think i will bring those in to work tomorrow just to suck up to my boss. plus, it would be kind of nice.

where is everyone? i get back after being gone for 2 days and no one is here to welcome me home... i think they're all at pooja's house, curse her.


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