Monday, June 16, 2003

terrible, awful, incredibly odd dreams. i should just take a power drill to my temple.

what i remember: i'm in the car, with my mom, my brother, and my brother's friend (i've never seen this person before, but in the dream him and my brother were pals). we've been on the road for 3 hours. we're driving down south somewhere for vacation. mary's coming along too, in fact, it's her house in georgia or somewhere that we are staying at(not maryland). in the dream, mary lives close to me. i was supposed to pick her up. 3 hours ago. i don't think i've ever felt so horrible. there was some calling and begging for forgiveness, eventually the dream sort of melted away.

at some point, i was in a car (different car, different people, except my brother was there again), and we took an exit ramp up to a different level of the highway, only the exit ramp was at a 80+ degree angle from the ground and the new level was thin as paper and incredibly hilly (like a ribbon). i could see the bottom of our highway from inside the car. also, pieces of the highway kept disappearing. i don't think i like highways anymore.

at some other point, i was in the pirates of the caribbean. the movie. that hasn't come out yet. only some of the skeletons were really badly drawn cartoons. but it was real. and link, from zelda, was in it, i think in the role of orlando bloom, and he kept stabbing skeletons (where would one stab a skeleton? everyone knows slashing and piercing damage only does 50% to skeletons. well, it's a dream, people) and making pithy comments at the same time. that arrogant bastard... i wonder if he was a cartoon in my dream? i can't remember

at some point this dream turned into that 70s show. and i was caught in an incredibly uncomfortable argument between kelso and jackie. damn, she's hot. especially when i'm dreaming.

then i finally woke up because i had to meet with my professor today and explain how i have nothing to show him.

pardo, i didn't know you had a blog. i added it to the list of blogs. your list sounds incredibly arrogant. you just have to insert the haloscan code in the right spot.

makiko, here is the definition of a pinata:
a decorated vessel (as a pottery jar) filled with candies, fruits, and gifts and hung from the ceiling to be broken with sticks by blindfolded persons as part of especially Latin-American festivities (as at Christmas or for a birthday party)

that's all for now.


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