Monday, June 09, 2003

working simulation of oscillator! wooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! props to my professor, who gave us the netlist for the circuit, even though he said he wouldn't do anything like that. props to my partner, Wacek (pronounced Va sek) who learned p-spice today and got it all working while i was taking the LSATs today.

i had dinner with rachel, duke, london, sai, and karen. rachel managed to ruin her hosts' nice table by BURNING it. i recommended the mentos method of cleaning it. that is, popping a mentos in front of them and then proceeding to burn off the rest of the finish on the table to make it a uniformly sickly turquoise color. she rejected my reasonable and well-thought out plan. the ho. oh, kelsey came too.


i added some more people to the links on the side of the page.

i have a counter on my homepage. that is, ~ec653. i don't know if that's really worth it, as it sucks (the homepage) and really has no purpose. i should just move my blog to my homepage, or at least my counter to here. i don't know which. what is PIESIN? who are you? good to see embry riddle and uchicago on the list of visitors. maybe i should add comments to my page as well...

specious buddha (2:16:55 AM): and i sure hope that you placed 25th hour above keeping the faith ... if you didn't, then you better hate me because i'll hate you.

stoops, you are completely wrong. i don't think less of you, though. partly because of the strength of your convictions, and mostly because of the hatred. i can respect that. in fact, that's one of the few things i do respect.


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