Monday, July 28, 2003

i'm back from M2M for lunch. i think i've gone there every day for a week, at least. wait, not on friday, i ate at my cafeteria. but i ate there on thursday, and wednesday too, i think, and probably tuesday, and i got a sandwich there on saturday before movies, and i went there yesterday but didn't eat there because they didn't have breakfast. today, i don't think i even ate half of my turkey platter before getting full.

they should pay me to write this:
you can get fresh turkey on weekdays. fresh! oh man... you can get a wrap with cranberry sauce, lettuce, tomato, and either swiss cheese or rice. you can get it on a hero with the same ingredients, which i recommend over the wrap, due to space limitations. or you can get the platter, which is turkey, gravy, mashed potatoes, and cranberry sauce. these are all 5.25. but sometimes they make up prices and they're pretty wishy washy on the tax, so today i paid 5.97. it's ok, because the portions border on ridiculously large. once i got just mashed potatoes as a side, which was 1.50, but i got way more than 1.50 worth of potatoes.

from 7-11 they serve breakfast, which i have yet to try. but you can get 2 eggs, home fries and toast for 2.50. and an omelette for 3.50.

speaking of omelettes, i made my first omelette yesterday! mike and i went to m2m but we didn't know the breakfast times, so we went to ufm and picked up eggs, tomatoes, mushrooms, cheese, and bacon. good bacon. i'm definitely going to make lots of omelettes next year. i wonder if yui likes them...

so, my weekend:

friday, i went to sam berlin's apartment on wall street for some party. such a nice place. and free beer (brooklyn lager, stella, rolling rock, corona, heineken keg cans (ugh)). and free food, which was pretty good! i played some asshole, some i drink you drink, and peed in a subway station for the first time ever.

saturday was my 4th moviethon in 8 weeks. i only saw 3 this time, making it 15 movies on the big screen in 2 months. first,

spy kids 3d was entertaining. the racing in the tunnels was very cool. but i can't stop thinking how incredible it would be if someone made the 3d VR arcade game movie targeted for my demographic. it was hilarious whenever the boys and girls did their awkward romance thing, though.

bad boys 2 - awesome. so much fun. nonstop guns, explosions, cars, and explosions. oh, and guns. lots of dead bodies. one pair of dead boobies. one pair of humping rats.

to digress, i saw bad boys just last night in austin's lounge on mike's dvd. it was good, but nowhere near the same. martin lawrence wasn't funny, he was annoying. it just wasn't polished; the sequel positively shone with wit and violent deaths.

tomb raider - if i hadn't walked out of moulin rouge, i would say it was better than this steaming pile of manure. i don't mind terrible chick flicks that aren't funny or remotely interesting; i do mind terrible chick flicks that aren't funny or remotely interesting, but pretend to be summer action blockbusters. if someone asked me to describe this movie in one sentence, i would say, "it's a movie about a girl proving she's over her ex." so bad. so bad. so bad. i asked mike and austin if they wanted to leave multiple times, they were determined to stick it out. i walked out on the ending with maybe 10 minutes left, on principle.

so bad. i have a bad taste in my mouth now. good thing i still have an enormous amount of turkey and mashed potatoes left.

to people who haven't been to see mariko yet. it closes on the 31st. that's 2 days from today! you really ought to go.

would anyone be interested in going to the bronx zoo this summer? was that business about it closing down for real? if it is, has it closed yet?


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