Tuesday, March 23, 2004

little nothings

i can finally peel an orange off all in one peel. i don't know why i had so much trouble with it before. this is a skill that i've always desired. and now that i have 60 or so oranges, it is especially useful. score.

i'm going to be shitting orange all this week.

i've never really listened to ccr. but they're pretty awesome. i downloaded a bunch of their songs as soon as i came back.

this is sad, but true: maybe austin would understand, but the reason i want an ipod isn't so much the listening to music wherever i am, but my desire/compulsion to collect ALL of the music i like. an ipod really is ideal in that respect.

how spring break has changed (or created, for people i didn't really know) my impressions of people:

john baldwin is awesome. some people (like me), might think it's incredibly unfair for one person to be born with intelligence, knee-weakening good looks, and superhuman strength, but john takes it all in stride with an easygoing manner and a laid-back sense of humor. maybe anyone with so many natural advantages would have such a great temperament, but i don't think that's necessarily true.

the greatest is when something amuses him, and he just interrupts himself while talking with this giggle/chuckle. while he was telling me about tao staring at amanda's naked body comes to mind.

and when we were grilling our burgers, and we made a superburger for him. he kept staring at it and asking if it was time to put cheese on it, and giggling with this goofy grin on his face. and then he was willing to eat it in as few bites as possible just for our amusement. and when it took him 4 bites to eat it, he said, "it was that first bite, man. i fucked myself." you probably had to be there.

krishna is also similarly awesome. i've never partied with the guy before, but he was pretty solid. and his bets just became more and more preposterous as he got drunker. especially when he bet 4 quarters on an eyes-closed double redemption shot. i really wish i'd been awake to hear the game between corey and krishna on monday. and when he pounded on the women's locked door for 3 minutes after getting back from the beach, that was pretty good.

my nonsexual crush on corey is stronger than ever. it's sad that he thinks he'll be too old to go on spring break next year. sleeping in the common room meant he passed out last every night and woke up first every morning. damn, he drank a lot of shitty beer. fuck you, south carolina, fuck you. and krishna's mom's nipple?

tao is great for putting up with all the shit i give him. goddamn amanda, that ridiculous red hat, and his head fake. goddamn, that head fake... and props to him for getting sick and still drinking on thursday. oh, and for getting head in the back of a schoolbus.

i didn't know gabi before, and at first i thought she was just a big cocktease who liked attention. but she seems genuinely nice. and i think she just likes affection. she even cuddled with me sometimes, and let's be honest, anyone who will do that is not very superficial and probably willing to care for lepers.

stoops, i swear to god, is building up enough karma to trade in for a nuclear submarine or some similar crazy prize.

all the freshmen kids deserve prizes for not sucking. i don't think any of them ever even tried to shirk their drinking duties. spring break next year should need at least as many kegs as this one.

that's all i got for now.


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