Friday, May 28, 2004

movies part 2

i rented you got served last night, in anticipation of concurrent heavy drinking. however, zhu was wrong about how late the liquor store was open (NYC does have beer 24 hours a day, thanks to rite aid, oh and appletree and edward norton (edward norton?) university supermarket) so we were dry. zhu was pissed off about the movie choice and went to sleep on the couch, waking up every 20 minutes or so to mutter a racist comment about the damn blacks. steiner suffered through it, i think. i, on the other hand, enjoyed it. i wouldn't say i enjoyed it a lot. and a big reason i was entertained was the incredibly cheesy dialogue. true that, you was smokin them fools, tight, tight, fo real, and so on. i was worried that it would be wire dancing instead of break dancing, but i think all that shit they did was real. and some of it was "off the hook." seriously, those kids are ridiculous. but for some reason, i was engaged throughout the entire movie, wanting to see what happened next. i was not bored at any point. and i must have laughed at least every 10 minutes at something super corny. the prize for that goes to the two main characters, doing their training montages in parallel because they ain't boys no more, after one of them started hooking up with the other's sister behind his back. for no reason they started training in the rain, which looked really cool with the water effects, but made no sense. and they both ended the montages on their knees. what interested me the most was how much catherine wanted to see this. that girl takes some sort of white prize, and i would loooove to see her dance, but she is so into break dancing and whatnot. i'm sure she would've loved this movie.

love actually worked out a little too well for all the characters. i think they should have had at least one person be flat out rejected, to lend a touch of reality to the movie. but i guess these kinds of movies aren't about reality, they're about feeling good and loving christmas.
favorite story: the guy and his cleaning woman who couldn't speak the same language.
cutest story: the little kid, of course
saddest story: sarah and carl (the only characters whose names i remember in the whole damn thing)
weirdest story: keira. the scene with the wedding tape... i knew exactly what was coming and it was just as painful as i thought it'd be. goddamn, keira knightly, you're so fucking hot.

i just rented stand by me, and return of the king (my brother's choice, thankfully he's run out of old bond movies). i saw stand by me in target yesterday and almost bought it ($10), before i realized i could watch it first for free.

review later tonight


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