Thursday, April 28, 2005


the liger is fucking awesome. google it. i don't provide links. this isn't that kind of blog.

i am now a fucking liger expert. afficianado, even. ask me about ligers, tigons, ti-ligers, li-ligers, ti-tigons, or li-tigons. i'm a little more shaky on the leopard hybrids.

my friend jon rohrbach and i started playing D&D Heroes for XBOX. it's like baldur's gate: dark alliance or champions of norrath, in the spirit of the gauntlet arcade games. i like it a lot. the incredible part is that rohrbach and i named our characters THELIGER and LIGER, respectively, without looking at each other's names or anything. i love how it's not quite the same, either; apparently rohrbach thinks with articles and i do not. austin, natalie, does that mean something?

in case anyone is wondering where the fuck all this liger talk came from, watch napoleon dynamite. i found it both funny and not annoying.


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