Saturday, August 06, 2005

sky high

disney needs to stop discovering these disturbingly hot girls under the age of 18. or girls under the age of 18 need to stop looking hot. it's messed up.

i liked it a lot. pretty trite and predictable over all, although a pretty decent twist near the end. kelly preston - no complaints. kurt russell - as super as ever. some unexpected but not unpleasant surprises were farva as the bus driver, bruce campbell as the gym teacher, the lead guy from newsradio as the "hero support" teacher, and that other kids in the hall guy whose name i don't know as the mad science teacher. it was interesting how the movie drew the not so subtle analogy between the popular kids and losers in everyday high school and the heros and sidekicks in sky high.

layla - way too hot. how old is she? i'm not going to check because i don't want to know. what a pretty name, too. i could see naming a daughter Layla. although i'd probably drown my daughter as soon as she was born, or lock her up in a floating castle guarded by manticores dragons sphinxes and chimeras. oh and griffins too. what other amalgamation creatures can i utilize to protect my daughter's -who will never please god exist - virtue? we'll say gorgons lamias centaurs and hippogryphs. and i'd be horrified of the imagined nicknames when if she sleeps with some jerk in high school who starts calling her easy lay-la or some such. however, that would justify my purchase of a shotgun and a hunting license and a grenade launcher when i blew up the fucker's house.

in short, i will never have kids. unless i can be sure they're boys with no virtue to speak of or protect.


At 12:16 PM, Blogger Eric said...

that's because we're GUYS. we know what we think whenever we see women, and it HORRIFIES us.

At 10:04 AM, Blogger raj said...

i couldn't agree with you more. except maybe i wouldn't even bother trying to protect her; i'd kill her right at birth


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