Friday, January 13, 2006

i know what it is

it's this damn response. the fact that people are talking about it, and gay people think that nongay people won't see it because they hate gays, or are scared of gays, or are scared of becoming gays, or scared that their children will become gays. the idea that all over the country, people are asking other people if they want to see it, and when they say, eh, or no, or not really, they are asked, jokingly or not, if they're scared that they might like it.

oo, it's so daring. oo, you're homophobic. oo, who would have thought, let's take an american icon and RUIN IT. think clint eastwood? you're fucking right i'll think clint eastwood. i'll think of him kicking ass and banging dirty female hookers and not wearing a condom because a) condoms would be anachronistic and b) dirty harry fucking raw dogs it all day and all night. it makes me angry that i have to add female to the front of hookers now because people might think i mean male hookers when i'm talking about COWBOYS. jeez.

now i think i'm making it out to be a bigger deal than it is. but the fact that it's so easy to find these articles (given, it is the internet) talking about the _impact_ of this movie. it kills me. i think i hate anything that garners attention like this. what a fucking slut of a movie.


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