Tuesday, June 17, 2003

whew. 5 loads. in the washer. only 3 trips. the last one made necessary by my flex running out after the first washer.

room cleaned, somewhat.

dishes now. i need more shelves. and pants.

i need to throw out/recycle these cans. there are, let's see, 17 total on my windowsill and desk. most of them still have stuff in them. dang. i wonder how much money that would be worth if they were all poured into one bowl and then someone drank it? would it be worth more or less if one could see what it actually looked like?

i really hate how i left my favorite pair of shorts in my room by accident. those will be dirty for another month.

i tried changing my template so each entry would display "posted by your mom at," but blogger dislikes having its code altered. and by dislikes, i mean, you can't. and i didn't want to change the author of this blog to "your mom," and i didn't know how, anyways.



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