Monday, August 18, 2003

2 more dvds for me. south park and beavis and butthead for $15 from best buy. i also bought an a/v cable switcher with 5 inputs for all my systems ($20). and 5 tshirts from foot locker for $20, 3 of which are the same columbia blue with white collar.

at costco, steiner pointed out new editions of the 4 books out so far from the dark tower series, by stephen king. they have those beautiful glossy covers and a bunch of freakish illustrations. i actually started salivating as i looked at them. so, despite owning all 4 books already, i bought the new editions. i did save a bunch of money, they were each 9.99 instead of 15.95, 17.95, 17.95, and 18.95. steiner also bought them, due to my effusive praise.


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