Tuesday, August 05, 2003

it's already tuesday! i've been slacking in my blogging. for some reason, the past week was really busy for me. and by busy, i mean drunk.

i'm just going to do a short recap for now... i doubt i'll ever go into detail for these things that i've missed.

thursday night - karen's place for dinner. ZHU arrives in the city. we go to lion's head. lots of people, oddly. zhu's friend RACHE makes out with STEINHOUSE. we get KICKED OUT when LONDON shoves RAJ into a table, and raj falls into it, breaking a table leg. we (wrongly) assume steiner WENT HOME with rache. we go to west end. i am very DRUNK by the time i go to sleep.

friday - really HUNG OVER. go to work. SANDY, zhu's GIRLFRIEND, arrives at some point. we eventually go to amcafe. sandy is much BITCHIER than i remembered, spending much of the night being a BITCH. rache arrives at amcafe after we all sit down and zhu makes a big, AWKWARD deal of moving so she can sit next to steiner. rache wants PUNCH BOWLS. it gets HAZY after this. zhu VOMITS outside. i PUNCH zhu in the NUTS. something something... i PUNCH zhu in the NUTS again, maybe. AUSTIN and MIKE pick 8 songs from the jukebox. i repeatedly nominate ECHO, it gets cut. i go up with steiner at some point, and forget to put in ECHO. we get KICKED OUT because zhu's head is on the table and he has obviously had ENOUGH. people part ways, some go to koronet, some go to west end. i and whoever is with me get to west end, order one glass of water. i VOMIT repeatedly like my LIFE depended on it (in the bathroom). i quickly transform from a HAPPY drunk to a MISERABLE drunk. we leave without ordering anything besides that glass of water. rache GETS OFF on steiner's floor. sleep.

almost all of this is gleaned from the recollections of witnesses... them being austin, mike, judy, and rubes. i remember the events of maybe 3 of those sentences myself. people who booted that night: me, zhu, sandy, rache, steiner.

saturday - really, really HUNG OVER. MIKE comes over to make omelettes because i BEG him to. eat omelette, feel sick. watch PREDATOR, feel sick. go to saji's with SAI, don't eat food, feel sick. play some NWN with austin and mike, feel sick. go with mike BACK to saji's, eat food, feel ok. go to GAMESTOP with mike, buy BILL DAUTERIVE action figure for TWO DOLLARS, feel pretty good. make last minute arrangements for raj's and ken's PARTY, feel sick. go with raj and ken to rite aid, then to pooja's place, SURPRISE them, sit down and feel SICK. eat some dumplings, feel sick. drink some beer, make austin drink some beer, NOT FEEL SICK!! drink more beer. stare at pooja's HOT ROOMMATE dancing to BILLY JEAN against one's own will, drink beer. play QUARTERS, drink beer. play king's cup, drink beer. eat ZOE's instructions, drink beer. run OUT of beer, breathe SIGH of RELIEF. GORGE on DUMPLINGS with austin. take the last 2 (fused together), show them to austin, and shove them in my mouth. win 2 games of EUCHRE with austin (before or after dumplings?). get ride home with daniella, go to bed.

sunday - not HUNG OVER!!! so happy. go to TOMO with steiner. watch SCARY MOVIE 1 AND SCARY MOVIE 2 with steiner, austin, mike, and various others. drool over kathleen robertson's HOTNESS and BREASTS. ZHU arrives again, stopping by on his way home from philly to pick up his cell phone charger. convince zhu to STAY for another night to DRINK. watch EQUILIBRIUM, drink 1.5 beers with GREAT difficulty. zhu BITCHES (with just cause) that steiner and i convince him to stay so we can drink, but are not (steiner will not touch A beer). take shot with zhu to SHUT HIM UP. tricia calls up, wants to HANG OUT because this is her last night in NEW YORK. go with tricia and zhu and austin and mike to TOM'S, to meet tricia's HOT FRIENDS saffiya and alexis. SAFFIYA is REALLY hot - she looks egyptian hot with her hair. eat. go to west end. west end is dead, go to 1020. buy one pint of ROLLING ROCK, beat zhu in DARTS, win in POOL. darts i started out really badly and then improved. pool i started out pretty WELL and then SUCKED until tricia and alexis scratched on the 8-BALL. tricia doesn't want to sleep, go to steps. kelsey JOINS us in robe and PJs. can't stay awake, go to bed around 3am.

monday - m2m for lunch. lab from 2-6:15. 20 cent WINGS at lion's head at 6:30. eat WINGS with dave, austin, london, mike, kelsey, pooja. drink pint of guinness for some dumb reason. play ms pacman and galaga, both BADLY. go to west side and buy pint of ICE CREAM. watch tv in lounge, GORGE on ice cream. feel sick. finish leftovers from m2m, feel better. play NWN with mike and austin, things all SCREWY. austin gives up to do WORK, mike and i keep trying, lots of fun. go to sleep around 2am.

tuesday - work.


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