Sunday, May 30, 2004

movies part 7: punch drunk love and narc

i rented these two tonight. the people at blockbuster all know me now, seeing as i go in twice a day.

punch drunk love: i really liked it. i didn't so much at first. watching the main character is cringe-inducingly painful at many points. i don't know if i'd say adam sandler is a good actor after watching this. he's still the same soft-spoken, exceedingly nice, rage-suppressing, socially inept lunatic he always plays in his more slapstick movies.

god, those 7 sisters. i would've either killed them all or died myself well before adulthood, in his position. too horrible to contemplate, even.

but despite the slow moments (at one point, i saw the time on my dvd player and wondered how 50 minutes had passed without _anything_ _happening_), i laughed out loud during a lot of other moments. and the movie is touching in the offbeat, -crazy people need love too, just from other crazy people- way.

will watch narc tomorrow. and get more movies. i am on a roll.


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