Wednesday, June 30, 2004

the screwtape letters

i remember talking to sai before we all moved out of ec, and her telling me she had a bunch of books she was trying to give away. never being one to turn down a book, much less a free one, i skipped on across the courtyard and picked up 1) kokology (is that right?) by some japanese fellas, 2) ah, sweet mystery of life by roald dahl, and 3) the screwtape letters by c. s. lewis. i am very glad i did this.

kokology was this book of questions. one's answers to the questions determined certain aspects of one's personality, based on associations in kokology (the study of some japanese koko-something). example: you're walking down the beach and you see a surfboard washed up on the sand. what does it look like/describe it. you want to go surfing. how are the conditions? you wipe out. what do you think as you swim up to the surface?
this question assumes that in everyone's subconscious, a surfboard is really a phallus. thusly, my description of the surfboard as beat up and discarded means i see my penis as such. my saying i don't know how to judge surfing conditions because i've never surfed before means i'm inexperienced with the whole sex thing because i've never sexed before. and my thinking, i ought to learn how to surf before i try surfing means ... i forget, but it was also pretty harsh on the whole sex/penis front. to make a long story short, the book was crap. although initially interesting.

that was a tangent, i hadn't meant to write so much. i'll leave the roald dahl book for when i read more of it, i'd only read 2 or 3 of the short stories.

the screwtape letters is really amazing. it's incredibly thought provoking. it makes me consider going to church (never for longer than a minute, but the thought has _never_ entered my mind before). it is so right about so many things. when i was reading it last night i saw at least 3 or 4 passages i wanted to post up here, but i was too lazy. the lazy has not changed, but i'll put it on my todo list. which is growing day by day. amanda, you would love this book. really, look it up next time you're at a borders.

i sent sai an email thanking her for the book. the bitch never responded. i'm not thanking her again here.


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