Thursday, July 01, 2004


as soon as i turn off my computer and climb into bed, i can not sleep. of course. it almost feels like i have a frisbee tournament tomorrow. i honestly don't remember a single tournament that i got a decent nights rest beforehand. i usually managed around 2-3 hours. i know it slows me down but i just can't sleep if i know i'll need it for tomorrow.

there's a fair number of people i've fallen out of touch with that i really ought to look up. i don't know why i'm thinking about it now, but i am. matt, linda, from columbia. i really should find out if rohrbach is in canada. and raeka and nancy, i haven't talked to them in years, and i spent almost every weekend with them my last two years in high school. i'll get around to it, someday, maybe.


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