generic title
i'm certain that i find myself funnier than other people find me. which is all right, i guess. that's better than not amusing myself. because which is more important, really? what benefit do i get from making someone else smile? screw you guys.
that went off into a meaner direction than i originally envisioned. this example i'm posting, which is the reason i logged in, should, you know, be a good example.
from amanda's blog:
"[drivel drivel babble inane ramblings]
It will be exciting. It will be something new. Laissez les bons temps roleur.
-la muppet"
my comment:
"the only word i got there was les. some girl girl action in new orleans eh? take pictures."
that's really not that funny. but i can't stop grinning whenever i look at it. back in my college days, after i posted on the newsgroup, i would almost always revisit my post and read it over a couple of times while mentally patting myself on the back. i love it.
blogger ought to implement a little piece of code so i can put "insert title here" in carrots up in the title field and get a suitably contemplative randomly generated title.
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