Saturday, October 09, 2004

wow ffxi halo 2

would anyone play world of warcraft with me?

i've failed to convince both mike liu and raj to play ffxi with me. they're both big ff fans, but not big enough, i suppose. would anyone play any online game with me? i'm convinced that's where the bulk of my friendship interactions will take place. on mmorpgs.

i'm going to preorder the collecter's ed of halo 2. i just need to decide where to preorder it from. really. every place has it for 54.99. and no place has any special benefits for preordering it. not one tiny little bonus throw-in. so which store should get my money? i honestly can not decide. any help?


At 6:15 PM, Blogger Mike said...

I like the old version of Command & Conquer Red Alert. I've been looking for someone to play that with since the end of freshman year.


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