Friday, March 11, 2005

jesus is chill

any possible moral grounds that pro-lifers might have against abortion are evaporated and then some by the crazies that bomb abortion clinics or shoot doctors that perform abortions. how does that possibly work in anybody's head?? i can not understand how someone kills in the name of life and feels morally justified to do so.

i remember hearing on npr on the way to work something about that, and it didn't make me angry as much as confused. perplexed, maybe. it just doesn't click. i feel like one of my students trying to understand arclength. ha, a math teacher joke. any desire or ability on my part to articulate pro-choice arguments have long since faded away, since that other blog sparked a proto-debate of sorts.

oh yes, something about a law to make it harder for anti-abortion groups to claim bankruptcy in order to protect their assets from lawsuits by the bereaved, or i guess in some cases the owners of the clinics that were firebombed. how could a law like that not have been passed yet? apparently the amendment has made it so close only to fail many times so far, and its proponents are wearying of the marathon effort involved to get it as far as it does each time.

i just don't get it. at least pro-lifers have a bit more ground to stand on in saying that no one should be allowed to take a life. anti-gay marriage people just say, it's in the bible it's in the bible, over and over. and i thought jesus was a cool dude. if jesus loves me, he can sure as hell love the gay guy who lives on my street. whatever. jesus is chill and all the gays know it. they can bask in his love regardless of what the haters think.

in other news, i think the next book in orson scott card's shadow series is out. i think 3/8. the weather has been so awful and i've been so busy lately that i haven't bought it yet, but i'm going now. i started studying for the praxis, but who am i kidding? i don't need to study. knock on wood.


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