Sunday, March 06, 2005

amusing anecdote #37

so i have a kid in one of my classes named Mister Long. yeah, first name is mister, last name is long. it's pretty confusing because when kids call his name i think they're asking me a question. yes, it is very cruel. no, i don't know what his parents were thinking when they named him.

anyways, he used to talk a lot in my class. and he had some kind of phone with games on it, and the other kids would always borrow it and play with it during class. it got pretty annoying.

so i called his house, and i didn't even speak with his mother. i left a message with his uncle, for his mother, that Mr. Chang, the new geometry teacher, was calling regarding her son's behavior during class.

the next day Mister comes in with a letter of apology signed by both him and his mother. he also had a written account of what he had done in class to merit a call home, that i had to sign, because his mother didn't believe that he was just talking to be so disruptive. as he handed me both pieces of paper and explained what they were for, he said, "please don't ever call my house again. my mom'll stab me!" he looked real serious too.

he's been an angel ever since.


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