Friday, March 11, 2005

that only matters to the people on the rim

i'm taking the praxis tomorrow. 8:30 am. that's early. but not compared to when i have to show up for work! it's pretty sweet, knowing that pretty much anything i need to wake up for on weekends is still later than waking up for work.

i started a goddamn tradition. i'm not sure about this, but i think that a bunch of people from the frisbee team dressed up in their best clothing and went to columbia cottage for chinese new year. they should have hung my picture over their table. my stern yet benevolent likeness should have been gazing down on them at their repast.

i can view my own blog again. i checked some of the links to the right, and yet again, so much blogging i can't or won't read all of it. i skimmed some of mara's and apparently she has pissed off some friends with the housing lottery. i don't know how it works at other schools, but if you want to see who your real friends are, at columbia you wait for the housing lottery. the people who go behind your back and secretly form groups with strangers, they're not your friends. oh, and the people who, before senior year, secretly form groups because they're afraid you're going to secretly form a group first, they are just sad. saaaaaad. in short, i disagree with mara's statement about having to be selfish and demanding what you want. strongly.

there's no such thing as water under a bridge. nothing is a straight line. it's all cyclical. the wheel never stops turning.


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