Sunday, August 07, 2005

"well, i don't want to!"

jade and ivy are in my brother's room. he stepped out for a bit and he is logged into world of warcraft. he comes back and asks them to get out of his seat. they want to stay with him. they step on something, and it explodes? i think (his words)? he gets mad and orders them out of his room.

his room is disgusting. there is not a bare inch of floor. all around his desk and chair are coke cans and bottles strewn about. some in explosive condition. as in they still have disgusting days-old soda gunk in them. on the floor. in piles mixed with papers and clothes. what a sty. it's been like this for years.

"you really should clean up your room so your kids can hang out with you."
his answer...
given with all the authority of a 12-year old.


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