Wednesday, November 12, 2003

your mom's the mean!

today is looking pretty good. both my applied math and signals problem sets were pushed back to tuesday, so i have nothing due tomorrow. i read myself to sleep last night with Stephen King's fifth book of the Dark Tower series, Wolves of the Calla. I didn't do any work last night. and this morning i picked up my microfab midterm. i got a 78/100, and the mean looked to be around a 60 :) i don't know how that happened.

yesterday was not as good. i woke up at 7am to work on my data structures assignment due in 4 hours. i managed to do most of half of the programming. i'm looking at maybe a 13/25 for that homework. then i crammed another third of a semester into my brain for applied math. the test made no sense. none. that's because i don't go to class, and i haven't done any of the homeworks that this test was based on. and the test had nothing to do with the homeworks that i reviewed. i seriously spent about 15 minutes contemplating dropping this class. for the remainder of the time, i alternated scribbling stuff and then erasing it because it was wrong, and doodling pictures of sad boys who didn't like taking tests.

at one point, i threw my pencil on the ground and hummed (pretty quietly, i think) a nonsensical doo do do do dooo. the person sitting in front of me turned his head 16.7 degrees to the right, said, SH! and then turned back. it wasn't even a shhh... it was a SH! steiner, catherine, and i were laughing for the rest of the exam. it was pretty sweet.

i finished the cat who walks through walls, and farenheit 451 recently. i was not especially impressed by either. heinlein's books always start out so promising, and then turn into these weird magical orgy stories. i'm not kidding. i don't really know what to say about bradbury. the imagery and the description in F451 were really deep and vivid sometimes. but the rest was just confusing. i do want to read "something wicked this way comes." but that's just because that has to be the coolest title ever.

i ordered saji's with sai last night. really good. and then we just hung out for a while. she asked me who my close friends are here. i had trouble answering that. i'm not really sure how to gauge that sort of thing, anyways. what do you think?


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