Saturday, July 03, 2004

even simpler math

buffy + cheerleading outfit = goddamn

does anyone remember those little puzzles? preposition puzzles, i guess. they were usually pretty simple. the best example i can think of is

LO head VE
LO heels VE

ideally, the LOVE would be 2 rows high, and i even whipped up a craptastic table to do just that, but it seems blogger doesn't show tables, or at least it didn't when i previewed it. so you'll just have to settle for that.

*edit* the table didn't work, and this damn thing ignores space. so i just wrote love twice. which doesn't make sense, really, but i'm too annoyed to think of a better way.

i was trying to think of a way to do that with buffy in a cheerleading outfit.

but cheerleading buffy outfit is just confusing, wouldn't you say?


At 7:43 AM, Blogger saisai said...

You could do it maybe like this:


Or, if you were to draw it out, there might be some sort of leash between the first part and the second...

"Buffy in a cheer, leading outfit."

You'd have to give a hint, though, so people know what you're going for. i.e.:

Clue: Hottest thing you can think of.

As for head over heels in love, it would make more sense if you removed the LOVE from around head, and made HEAD large enough to over the whole of the second line, a la:

LO heels VE

(but with more spaces between the letters in head, which I can't do in this comment space.)



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