Monday, July 05, 2004


i went to the dc mall (that 2 mile strip between the capitol (i'll never remember a or o) building and the washington phallus/monument tonight for fireworks. i figure if i'm virginia, i'm pretty close to what ought to be the best fireworks display in the nation, so i ought to take advantage of it. did not disappoint. really cool. really pretty. really sparkly. really... patriotic? what's nice is i think the flash floods earlier today kept too many people from coming and crowding the mall with their obese american supersized asses.

anyone who went on spring break will remember my campaign for "down in front" at that stupid rookie game. i hate all those people. they make me so angry. angry enough to hurl a camping chair into the air. my view tonight was not obscured, but there were still some louts standing in front of my friends, including one genius with a kid on his shoulders. i had two comments that i think bear recording here, "please, sit down for america," and "operation shock and awe" in reference to the amazing pyrotechnic display of america's might/grandeur/splendor/wealth/capitalism. actually, as i was getting impatient i said, "josh, isn't it time for the finale? it's been 11 minutes, and that's longer than you last." i think that's pretty good too.

i was thinking during the show about how as we get older, we regain appreciation for a lot of the simple - and usually not even fun - things we enjoyed when we were kids. i know there's that whole nostalgia and sentimentality, and that child programming thing advertisers aim for. but i think as it takes more and more (and probably eventually becomes impossible) to fill us with wonder, we get this yearning for things that shouldn't be fun but we just remember as such. or is that the definition of nostalgia? sort of like: i loved this awful candy when i was a kid, i'm older now, being old kinda sucks, i want to be a kid again, thus i will pretend to love this awful candy as an adult. only i pick just the good stuff to reminisce about, so i'm fine.

here's what prompted me to post in the first place -
ericthehodgeheG: i just want this away message so i can paste it in my blog and laugh
Auto response from let this one fly: another lonely holiday is over
ericthehodgeheG: thank you

that's funny, right?

i'm a little over halfway through season 2 of buffy. i have a story that's too embarassing to relate here. i don't believe in that panopticon shit; i will hide everything i think is shameful about myself, which pretty much means everything except for the occasional movie reviews. but if you ask me about aforementioned buffy viewing story i might tell you. maybe. probably. yeah.


At 1:38 PM, Blogger イカ said...



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