Friday, August 27, 2004

fear factor

i don't know when fear factor made the transition to gross factor, but i think it was around the same time as it made the transition to super hot chicks with huge boobs. really, that should - and probably would, were this show from japan - be the name: super hot chicks with huge boobs eating nasty shit.

the episode i just watched was couples fear factor, and one girl was ok, two were cute, one was really cute, one was really cute with gigantic breasts, and one was super hot. this upsets me. i'm not positive why, but i've got a guess. all those hot movie stars are unattainable; there is an impassable barrier between me and them. on the other hand, these girls are all dating regular schmoes. but they might as well be on the moon, because these regular guys are tall and pretty. even if they are douchebags, which probability dictates some of the guys on the show are. i'd rather the unattainable are unattainable, rather than the attainable be unattainable. and barring my becoming fabulously wealthy, famous, or tall, it's going to be this way forever.


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