Sunday, August 22, 2004

script gold + video game peeve

2 things i heard on tv today that tickled me in various ways:

on the justice league. hawk is talking to wonder woman regarding Annihilator, a war machine/juggernaut/golem forged by the god Hephaestus for Ares. by the way, the volume of lewd comments from Hephaestus to wonder woman about how he could let out her armor a little was pretty funny. plus, that little commercial where super girl zooms right up to the criminal's scope so he's got a 10x magnification on her chest is along the same lines.

Hawk: there's no one inside that thing! how do you fight that?
Wonder Woman: you hit it until it breaks.

you gotta admire the woman's direct problem-solving attitude. and breasts.

on what a girl wants, mother Kelly Preston and daughter Amanda Bynes share a moment.

preston: i love you a million swedish fish
bynes: i love you a million red m&ms

if someone ever tried to steal that for use in actual real life, they need to burn. for all eternity. amanda bynes is _hot_, albeit in an odd chubby faced manner that not all guys "get."

on a different note:
it upsets me when the only way game designers can ramp up the difficulty on a single-player version of a game is to make the game "unfair." there are no hikes in the ai of the opponent(s). the singular way they can manage to add to the challenge is to make the game unbalanced in the computer's favor.

in soul caliber, as they got "harder," the computer opponents would guard impact every attack i made. that's not ai, that's just allowing the computer to use it's processor speed to time every guard perfectly. it plays less like a skilled human opponent and more like an algorithm.

i now hate dmx because of def jam vendetta. that pussy kept winning because he had some inordinately high charisma rating, allowing his momentum meter to rise for the most inconsequential actions. i had a higher score than him every time he KOed me. i finally knocked him out after losing at least 3 15 minute matches. what a bitch.


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