Wednesday, January 12, 2005

it's been a while

it's all about inertia. i've been so long in posting that every day more seems less and less important. why start up again when i've left it for so long?

because i can't log into world of warcraft.

i have not been part of the real world since november 23, 2004. since then, i have devoted whole days of time to playing this game. i would alt-tab back and forth and tell you just how much time, but i can not log in.

that's inconsequential. i'm not posting about not being able to log into world of warcraft, even though i'm posting because i am not able to log into world of warcraft.

in the world around me:

that's some cold shit, what happened in sri lanka and its surroundings. ouch. i do not know anyone affected by it. i do not know anyone who knows anyone who was affected by it. same as the events of september 11th (i hate the way politicians or newspeople or whoever else say "nine-eleven," distilling a world-changing event into two hyphenated numbers), disaster seems to be this abstract concept that never actually affects me. i see it on tv, i read it online, that's about it. it might as well be fiction for all i know. i suppose it's better though, because it's natural and not human. or worse. one or the other, i'm sure.

blogs. everywhere. bill has moved to boston? he has a new job? he's deleted all his old posts, and he has a new screen name. i think it's wtstc? thank goodness; i really could not help thinking "what-the-fuck-the-conqueror" every time i saw the previous incarnation.

i was opening a bunch of blogs in new tabs and i got to mike's, and it was called chillable red, and my first thought was that some sort of evil mike from an alternate dimension/universe, most likely with a goatee, had started up a blog. no, it's mike salt, not mike liu.

amanda's been posting up a storm. she's in egypt now, or so i hear. that's cool. much cooler than college in new york. college in new york has to be one of the most plain and run-of-the-mill four years of life out of possible four years of life.

gabi has one? damn, she's got all these "thoughts." the girl plays the cute vapid girl really well. it's cool that she's got stuff going on under the hood. is that the right turn of phrase? is turn of phrase the right turn of phrase? what's the phrase i'm looking for? this is like some sort of box within a box. does stuff under the hood allude to body parts, like junk in the trunk? what's with all these car metaphors?

me: i am poor. college loans and the sudden loss of income from having no students renders me poor. it sucks. i have wasted no money in quite some time. i could get into it, but i just have to hang on a little longer, because

i have a job. i am a salaried teacher on preliminary licensure for the springfield public school system. i will be the new geometry teacher at springfield scitech, as soon as i finish with this one _single_ LSAT student back in virginia. so the beginning of february.

log in is back up! screw you guys. i'm out.

edit: i can tell you how much time i have invested in this game now:

kaziganthi, my pride and joy, my lvl 58 tauren warrior, 18 days 15 hours.

banger, my lvl 32 undead rogue, 2 days 16 hours.

kakarot, my mule turned lvl 11 orc shaman, 21.5 hours. i'd say at least 4/5 of this time was spent just on inventory management, and watching the auction house.

santaria, my mule (a character created solely for inventory space), 2 hours.

naota, my lvl 5 tauren druid that i decided to use as a mule later, 1.5 hours.

that brings the total up to 22 days and 8 hours. the game has been out... we'll say 49 days, because i hate how months have different numbers of days in them and they should all have 30.
almost half my time has been spent in this world. and i wouldn't have it any other way.

oh, and because i probably won't blog again for a while. while i was at home, i reread the prydain chronicles, by lloyd alexander (alexandar?). they're great. really great.

i also reread franny and zooey, and most of nine stories. i didn't bring rhtrbc, and seymour: an introduction, back with me to virgina, but now i wish i had, damn it. someone please explain to me what these mean. please. i feel like i'm on the edge of something after i read these books, but i have no idea what that/it is. or if my tenses are all screwed up.

i also reread the golden compass, because i have that crappy copy i bought on the sidewalk in new york (the _one_ good thing about that city, i swear!), and i can read those without being careful of the bindings. it's great to have a book in trash condition so one does not have to maintain its pristineness. yeah. ok too much time already spent blogging when i could be playing wow.


At 1:35 AM, Blogger pooja said...

i would trade you for ms. gurion 9th grade geometry teacher at ardsley high school and her spraying spittle any day. good luck.


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