Sunday, March 27, 2005


playing racquetball with catherine. telling catherine i am going to hit her with the ball, turning and aiming right at her, and then nailing her while she is frozen in disbelief and fear. evil catherine - "open season!"

eating saji's with amanda. watching ong-bak with amanda. amanda needlessly groping me while looking for her shirt.

getting shitfaced stupid with lots of people at lion's head after columbia cottage.

why don't all the cool people move to a city that's less expensive and less really not that great. we could start some sort of commune with luaus and clambakes all the time. and i could fertilize all the women.


At 1:30 PM, Blogger saisai said...

you have to stop coming to new york when i'm not around. or going other places with cool people when i can't come. really, i'm very sad that i haven't seen you in so long because everytime you've been here, i've been away. or something. can we make a truce? i don't want you to hate me.

At 11:01 PM, Blogger pooja said...

i feel exactly the same way as sai...


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