Thursday, October 13, 2005


i'm having this problem. last night i could not go to sleep so i put in a movie to fall asleep to. ended up being more awake through it all the way until the end. i got 3.5 hours of sleep last night. i feel exhausted now, so i put in a movie to fall asleep to, and now it's 2 hours later. i'm mostly worried about how tired i will be during the drive to new york and how worthless i'll be friday night. oh, i might as well admit it, last night i stayed up until 2:30 in the morning watching love, actually. tonight was punch drunk love. it was interesting how much i forgot from both of them. i actually was thinking of writing something about selective memory. i remember, and this is a slight spoiler, when the guy bought the gold necklace, that he ended up giving it to his wife, even though we were _supposed_ to think he was going to give it to his secretary. way off. he flat out gave it to his secretary, the bastard. i wanted him to give it to his wife, and so i remembered it happening that way. i wonder if there's giant chunks of my life that i've rewritten, beyond movies that i've viewed. that leads into a whole thing about how i barely remember my childhood at all. whatever, i'm exhausted. i'll just lie in bed until i fall asleep. which i have trouble doing, because of the idea of wasted time. but that's yet another topic entirely.


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