Friday, October 17, 2003

TWO DOLLARS! wait, i mean months. two months.

you know what's funny? i've never dated, or gone out with, or whatever you call it, a girl for longer than two months. i've been in weird, painful things for much, much longer (i'm talking about high school, not college). i'm pretty sure something is wrong with me. but i did go out with this girl from my hometown in the summer between sophomore and junior year, when i was working at home. she was one year younger, a friend of a friend, went to smith, HATED all the nasty lesbos there, really into jd salinger and photography, and she liked me a lot more than i liked her. heh, all my friends thought she was prettier than mary. clearly, i had the upper hand in that relationship. when i broke up with her (as soon as we both went back to college, i was willing to give it a shot, but then she went INSANE), we were pretty much exactly at two months. the amusing part is she read that as a commitment problem on my part. even though it wasn't by my choice with any other girl. but i guess she didn't know that. why did i break up with her? she was pretty, she had a nice body, and she was smart (but not as smart as me, which is important). wasn't nailing her worth a few phone calls and the occasional visit to northampton? wait, no, it definitely wasn't.

austin's post and that commitment theory brought that to mind. go read austin's post. god damn, i hate sex and the city.


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