Saturday, July 10, 2004


i know it's poor form to post im conversations, but screw you. i'm doing it anyway. sucka.

Apardo04: hey do you take requests for your blog?
ericthehodgeheG: hot
ericthehodgeheG: interception
ericthehodgeheG: like what
Apardo04: ha
ericthehodgeheG: brb
Apardo04: like... the objectification of women vis-a-vis those shorts that display a slogan or place name on the ass, thus directing one's eyes toward the woman's buttocks
Apardo04: just a thought
ericthehodgeheG: and how them sluts want men looking at their asses?
Apardo04: i think its spread to include non-sluts too
ericthehodgeheG: no, they're all sluts
ericthehodgeheG: that's the point
ericthehodgeheG: or wannabe sluts
Apardo04: and as such, theyre receiving unwanted adulation
Apardo04: could be
ericthehodgeheG: which is worse, since that means they're actually just teases
ericthehodgeheG: have you ever seen a fat chick wearing the ass advertising? not a pretty sight
Apardo04: well nevertheless, is there enough moral outrage to produce a blog entry out of this?
Apardo04: i have, and it isnt pretty
ericthehodgeheG: sure, why not
ericthehodgeheG: i haven't been hooked up for a while so i haven't blogged in a coupla days
ericthehodgeheG: i'll see what i can do

i honestly think pardo started this whole thing so he could set himself up to use the phrase "vis-a-vis." look at that sentence. he rolled that around in his head so many times it, you know, did something indicative of being rolled too much. i was playing up the slut angle, which is, coincidentally, completely true. our young are nothing but filthy whores, or even worse, teases. these shorts are endemic of the apocalypse. i'm not sure if i'm using the word endemic correctly, like an illness being endemic to a region, but i don't care. vis-a-vis my ass, biotch. those shorts do make me angry. i don't know about me writing a fiery post from the pulpit about the hellish delights that await the ass-advertisers. this will have to do. i really overdid it with the name calling. must be a product of my defensiveness concerning this crap post. wow.


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