Wednesday, February 22, 2006


i think as of noon today vacation reached the halfway point.

accomplished: i bought some food. from costco. i now own two enormous bottles of grey poupon, an industrial size carton thing of kikkoman soy sauce, 6.32 lb of chicken breast, SIX peppers of varying coloration (2 yellow 2 orange and 2 red. beat that), too many slices of muenster to count, and so on. using said purchased food, i made two _delicious_ turkey sandwiches, one not only a single, but a _double_ decker, with grey poupon. the next day i boiled up one half of the two pack (costco scorns your puny single pack) of chicken and cheese ravioli and that lasted me the whole day, forcing me to push back my plans for making stir fry. with 6 peppers and over 6 pounds of chicken breast, nothing can stop me. if i knew the volume of soy sauce sitting on the wheely thing in the corner of my kitchen i would list it here as well for good measure. my goal, this week, is not to go out for food once (or more than once). all sustenance must come from the kitchen.

i'm sitting in my longmeadow home now, with a boatload of laundry. i am washing _three_ towels right now. i previously had purchased two towels from costco upon moving into the duplex in springfield. i immediately left one in josh's apartment in virginia and purchased a replacement. however, two towels is not enough reserve when one's washer and drier are twenty minutes away. what's the normal number for people? i really found that two were insufficient.

with the clearing out of dirty laundry from my room in springfield i am well toward my other goal of cleaning my room. i think i might move the lipstick plant out of my room and back down to the kitchen. i have a whole hook suspension setup for it, but i could not screw it in above the window, and as a consequence only about a third of the plant gets indirect sunlight (meaning it comes through the window and shines directly on the leaves).

other things i plan to do before this vacation ends:
grade many papers for statistics
figure out where the hell my ap stats class is and where we ought to be. we must be so behind.
use minitab at least once.
create some practice exams for stats and geometry that they can take before they fail the real thing.

i have enough laundry for easily 3 or 4 more loads but after these towels dry i am out of here for today. next time i really need to bring a book with me, or something to pass the time. as you can see, i'm reaching for topics.

entourage. that emannuelle chriqui (i can't havce spelled that correctly), as sloan, with her hair pulled back, looks a lot like sai. anyone else see that?

oh, one thing worth mentioning. house party march 4. if i haven't invited you, my bad. you should come. it will be totally sweet. if you have read craig's slightly homoerotic evite, don't let that dissuade you. we will be playing beer pong. on a DOOR. just let that sink in.

i could mention winter league and the party, but i did nothing of consequence at either.


At 5:58 PM, Blogger saisai said...

i don't watch entourage, but i did find pictures of her online, and i guess maybe she looks like me. weird. i don't like having lookalikes out there.

thanks for thinking of me, though.


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