Friday, September 24, 2004

god, or GOD, or whatever

i might mess this up, but this is the gist:

god: if you do things right, people won't know that you did anything at all. you have to use a light touch. like a safecracker, or a pickpocket.
bender: or like when you start a fire so you can collect the insurance money?
god: sure, if you make it look like an electrical thing.

i could fill up an entire blog with flat out hilarious passages from futurama. i could even fill a blog with meaningful passages. i don't think i will, because i don't own the series.

at barnes and noble - now i'm confused. i think i saw it today. but i didn't go to a bookstore today. but i think i would have written about it in my post yesterday if it had been yesterday. it must have been yesterday, though. hell - i saw a futurama comic book! good news. more futurama. the problem lays in the pricing of the book. that is to say (i.e.?), it has a price. i miss the days when i could experience futurama, for free, without even having to read it. but such is life. so it goes, and other platitudes. i don't know if the two are comparable, but if i had to, i would rate futurama over family guy. but what do i know? of course, fox cancelled both shows, just like it cancelled firefly, and all three sell like mad hotcakes on DVD. and it would have cancelled arrested development, if it hadn't been nominated for _SEVEN_ emmys. who are the fox executives? how do they manage to approve good shows, only to cancel them? what kind of SHIT are they actually keeping, then? regardless, they are bringing family guy back, but i wish it was futurama receiving the gift of reanimation. heh, get it? re-animation! that's good. i'm good.


At 11:29 AM, Blogger raj said...

futurama comics, eh? any good? is it written by the same people?


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