Wednesday, October 22, 2003

it's not a tumor

in an ah-nold voice.

for months now, it feels like, i've occasionally felt behind and below my left ear, due to an itch, and i always, ALWAYS, have a bug bite there. what the fuck? i don't ever have one on the right. is there a super juicy vein right there? i've never felt that spot and not felt a bug bite, for as far back as i can remember (maybe since the start of this semester). i'm kind of pissed off about this. maybe i have lower behind the ear cancer. i sleep on my side, and i always thought either one, but maybe i always roll over onto my right side and so only my left underbehind juicy ear vein is exposed. fucking mosquitoes. god sucks for creating them. that's fucking right. why not create a species that eats fucking dandelions or some shit to fill that spot in the ecosystem/food chain. stupid idiot moron god. you piece of shit.


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