Wednesday, June 09, 2004

movies part 17: spellbound

hilarious. and oddly moving. it's a documentary following 8 children out of 249 competing in the 1999 national spelling bee championships (up to 8th grade). i was typing up how i felt about everyone, but i realized that would ruin it for anyone who hasn't seen it yet. i want to hide it, but the template code is strange... the font color is only 4 digits instead of 6, so i can't figure out how to make the color of stuff i want to hide the same color as the background. i wanted to do that for the stripper segment of my last post as well, but whatever. i moved the spoiler stuff down a bit, so just don't read that part if you want to see the movie.

i think i want to own this movie. one strange thing is that the only subtitles are in french, and this movie could really use subtitles, which is rare.

also, i'm really glad i watched it at home, and not in theaters. being able to talk during the movie was a large factor in my enjoyment of it.

**don't read this part if you don't want to know who doesn't win**

i was rooting for Neil the whole way through. 1000 people praying for his success in india! and his grandfather would have paid for 5000 people to eat if he had won. oh well. i even called him my fucking horse once, a la catherine.

i am so incredibly glad the jap bitch didn't win. she was 4th... she had the skill, but she was so fucking cocky. with her horseback riding and her singing, the whore.

the homeschool kid george was frightening. trust in jesus? no thanks.

oh, and the scary kid from missouri! was it missouri? steiner and pardo and i are sure he's going to be the next columbine. some teacher will inadvertently let slip that he is easily "distractible" (i-b-l-e, not a-b-l-e), and he'll snap and pull out an uzi.

UBALDO. my thoughts and prayers go with you, wherever you are. you are one dependable mexican.


At 6:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I haven't seen Spellbound, but it's been in the news recently.

First, one of the girls, Angela I guess has started a blog.

Second, another girl, Ashely, became an unwed mother at 18, was homeless, but recently made the dean's list at Howard. There's a Washington Post article on it. You need to register.


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