Saturday, November 06, 2004

because how can i not post about it?

i spent the entire evening of november 2nd watching the news, feeling physically ill, going to my computer, going back to the news, changing the channel, changing it back, feeling physically ill, going back to my computer, ad infinitum. (i think i used it correctly there, but i'm not sure). i was trying to describe the state which the coverage put me in to some people.

it was akin to watching someone stick a white hot spear into his own eye. and that someone was me. or rather, i could be thought of as one neuron inside this man's brain. all of this man's decisions are made, not by me, but by every neuron in the brain. except that every neuron's vote is not counted equally. the brain is divided into regions, and each of these regions gets a number of votes according to their size.

let's say that this man was attacked within the last four years by a dog. this dog bit the man in the chest, side, and ear. this man, his entire body (or all the various parts of the brain that govern his body) is afraid of that damn stupid dog coming back again. on the spear is a tag reading, "if you stick me in your FUCKING EYE while i am GLOWING WHITE FUCKING HOT, i can pursue my own oil interests i mean protect you from that dog by declaring war on a FUCKING EMOTION." various regions believe the writing on the tag, yet for some reason, the three areas controlling the chest, side, and ear all say, "what the fuck? no, we will not stick a spear in our eye! that makes no goddamn sense anyways!"

the spear has yet another tag on it proclaiming, "if you do not stick my WHITE HOT razor tip in your GODDAMN FUCKING EYE, gay people will get married. then they'll come looking for you so they can rape your ass." the part of the brain which controls the anus, which for some reason holds almost half the entire fucking vote inside the brain - shitting is important - says, "hell yes we will stick this spear in our eye! if dudes are not allowed to marry, they will only fuck each other! but if they enter a lifelong sacred bond of love and trust, they will come after my sweet virgin anus!"

the part of the brain that controls the arm from the shoulder to the elbow has a lot of trouble deciding! in the end, since it controls part of the goddamn arm and should not be trusted to make any decisions, it decides that the spear in the eye is the righteous path, despite knowing that the spear has done CRACK FUCKING COCAINE up its fucking spear nose and is a FUCKING DRUNK DRIVER.

the part of the brain - and this is crucial to sticking a spear in one's own eye - that controls the arm from the elbow to the hand has even more trouble deciding! in the past four years this part of the brain has suffered from heavy drug and alcohol abuse, and a large fraction of the neurons in this area no longer have any function to speak of. they sit around in their fucking neuron houses drinking neuron beer and beating their hot neuron wives. but, due to long long lines and _machine error_ (have you heard about this?), the neurons that for some reason believe that A SPEAR IN THE FUCKING EYE will give neurons their functions BACK prevail.

terrible metaphor or whatever. but the imagery of someone screaming while shoving a spear deeper and deeper into his own eye won't leave me alone. funny that the metaphor of someone screaming in pain from being so stupid is itself screaming in pain from being so stupid.

rohrbach is in canada.
xbox crystal limited edition holiday bundle with fable and crimson skies is available in canada.
bush is not president in canada.

2 more good reasons, and i am fucking gone. it is not overreactionary. wait until bush institutes a fucking draft. he knows now that he can do whatever he fucking wants. it's not like he has to run for re-election. he's run this country into the fucking ground for the past four years and he still has the job!

where are you bill clinton?


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