Saturday, October 23, 2004

the grudge

i saw the grudge last night. it was scary. not as scary as the ring. i think a big difference, though, is that i saw the ring in a dark room with mara and her friend. i saw the grudge in a crowded theater with a bunch of morons who couldn't stop making noise. at every scary part, 1) a few girls would scream, and 2) all the guys and some of the ladies would laugh. fellas, i know just how essential it is that you prove to everyone else in the theater how not scared you are. no one gives a shit, you tools. if you're not scared, i am not proud of you. if you drove to the theater, paid 9.25, and spent 99 minutes of your life with the full intention of laughing through the enjoyable parts, you are a sad, sad person. that's just about on par with going to the renaissance fair for the purpose of laughing at the people in costume, who are honestly enjoying themselves, albeit in a strange way.

i never posted about the renaissance fair. i wrote something up on notepad right after coming back, but that was just about the girl running the crossbow game. the fair was good enough - and definitely big enough - that i intended on going back today. but i didn't... due to inertia, the intense cold that prevented me from leaving the warmth of my covers until 11:30 this morning, and inertia. a real shame. i wish i'd found out about it in september. i'll write up my full thoughts on it sometime in the future.

the grudge was scary. the girl was terrifying. the boy was terrifying. the movie was scary in new and innovative ways. one woman definitely got the worst of it... her whole part in the movie had me cringing. it was really cool that the writer used a noise that any person is capable of making, as the sound the dead person kept making, in the house and on the phone, and oh man. so many poor girls are going to receive calls from their jerk boyfriends making that noise.
this initially was intentioned as a post about movies i planned on seeing, but i got sidetracked, as always. and i haven't forgotten about abortion... i want to really think it through before i say anything. this is stuff i plan on seeing in the future.

napoleon dynamite
the forgotten
shaun of the dead
team america
i heart huckabees

i saw a preview for the life aquatic, wes anderson's newest film. it looks good. i'm excited.


At 5:42 PM, Blogger but you're Jess said...

the forgotten was surprisingly good. don't read any reviews or's hangin' on a thin thread of being spoiled. i kinda had no idea what it was about going into it and that just made it better.


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